Refocusing the Priorities of Accountability

By Alex Spurrier

August 23, 2020

Today, we released the final brief in Bellwether’s summer series on the past, present, and future of school accountability. It takes a look at how policymakers might improve accountability systems by clarifying their priorities:

This is a critical moment for standards-based accountability policy. State summative testing and accountability systems were suspended for the 2019-20 school year and some states are indicating they’d like to continue that moratorium through the 2020-21 school year. After releasing three briefs looking at the past and present of state accountability systems, this brief asks the question: What should accountability for student learning look like next year and in the years to come?

Check out the final brief and the rest of the series here.

Posted on:
August 23, 2020
1 minute read, 119 words
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