
Book Notes - The Checklist Manifesto

Books have always been important to me. My grandmother was a librarian and as she babysat me, I was able to spend hundreds, if not thousands, of hours searching, consuming, and falling in love with books. That passion continues today, but I find that I have less time to devote to extended, deep periods of reading. I’m going to follow CGP Grey’s lead and start publicly sharing notes on books I’ve read.

Time Tracking

I tweeted this out earlier today: Insights from time tracking: I need to do more #rstats programming on Thursday/Friday afternoons. Also, mtgs suck. — Alex Spurrier (@alspur) July 29, 2016 Why do I have time tracking charts that break down when I do certain kinds of work? A book ( Deep Work) and a podcast ( Cortex). I know that the ability to focus is important to the work I do, but Deep Work by Cal Newport helped articulate precisely why it’s extremely important to cultivate the ability to perform “deep work.